17. 10. 2022
New Store South St, Pennsylvania
We are excited to announce the opening of our second location in Philadelphia, 2nd STREET South St. The grand opening date is this Saturday, October 22nd from 11am to 8pm.
About the Store
The new store is located at 501 South St in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Check out the opening to buy or sell!Come join us and get your hands on the grand opening items. We’ll have a huge variety of items from luxury, streetwear, and vintage items to sneakers, handbags, and accessories.

South St Exclusive
To celebrate the opening, we are stocking exclusive items for the South St Exclusive. Check out the launch date and times below.In Store →
10/22 Saturday
11:00 am @South St
Online Store →
10/22 Saturday
6:00 pm ET (3pm PT)